Life can change in the blink of an eye. Since my last post just two and half months ago (surely it's been longer!), our lives have been turned upside down. Only a few days after New Year's had come and gone, Gorg had to call in sick after being hit by the flu for the second time this winter. The same afternoon, he received word that he wouldn't be needed at work for the foreseeable future. There was no more work; possibly for 6 months or more. Talk about a hit to the gut. I know he's not alone and we thought that there was a possibility of a slow time, but it still feels like a free fall through space when the ground that was underfoot suddenly disappears. No real warning. No time to prepare. Had it happened at any other time, I think it would have actually been harder. As it was, we had been in deep prayer for months. After the initial shock of learning that we were on our own with nothing to carry us through, I realized that this was the answer to our prayers. God was not being vague or mysterious here. This was a clear answer.
Gorg has been wanting to have his own wood shop for a while. He had been putting in long hours at his real job and then coming home to work into the wee hours of the morning on 'side work' to make ends meet. The results of the stress and fatigue that he had to be under were heartbreaking for me to see. But yet, to take that plunge of going out on your own when you've nothing to fall back on, no capital to's foolhardy, or so it would seem. This 'disaster' took the decision out of our hands and in many ways, that is a relief. There is no way to just plan on waiting out a period of 6+ possible months for work to come back when you have 9 people to feed. Very quickly, we knew we had to look for another way.
After 9 weeks or so of prayer and exploration, with our needs being met through all of the work and opportunities that God was providing and the loving support and generosity of friends and family, we are now taking the plunge and leaving behind the land of the employed for the shaky, exhilarating, and terrifying world of self-employment. I don't doubt that the ride will be bumpy. We've been down it before; however we've never done it without a steady paycheck to fall back upon. I don't doubt that there will be times of want; more so than the times of plenty, of that I'm fairly certain. But with God on our side, making sure that we are very much aware of who is in control and who is providing for us, we have nothing to fear. It's been 12 and a half weeks now since Gorg was at 'work' and by the grace of God we have yet to starve, miss a bill payment, or seek public assistance.
“Therefore I tell you, do not worry
about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what
you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than
clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?
“And why do you worry about clothes? See how the flowers of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. If
that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and
tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you—you
of little faith? So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own."
-Matthew 6:25-34
These verses have always been a comfort to me and none more than this new year. We are at peace and excited to see just what God has in store for us. Gorg hopes to move out of the basement and into his new shop space in the next month, I am looking forward to having a house that is free of sawdust and wood chips, and the kids are looking forward to having an indoor space that they can run around in without getting into trouble :) It's going to be hard knowing that he will be putting many long hours away into this venture, but at least I can see that he is happy. This has brought us closer together; both to each other and to our Heavenly Father.
So...I hope to be posting much more frequently both here and on Facebook. Once he is in his new space, he will have room to use his gifts to their full potential. I'm excited to see what he'll be asked to make. I pray that he will have customers who will challenge him to make works of art, not just bare-bones functioning pieces. He has a talent and a gift for the elaborate and the unusual. He's made pieces that were placed into museums and fooled antique appraisers...
Reproduction, Red Milk-Painted, Cherry Rope Bed made to hold a boxspring |
hand-carved bedroom suite made for an outdoorsman |
Turned Post Bed |
Reproduction Hepplewhite, Hand-Carved Mahogany, Shield-back Chairs with Maple Inlay |
A finished chair |
Cherry, Chinese Table with Pin-burled Top |
Corner Cupboard |
Walnut Table with String Inlay and Hand-Carved Lion's Feet |
Hand-Carved Maple and Cherry Pedestal Table |
One of a Pair of Cupboards |
Restoration of a Corner Cupboard |
Completed Restoration- Finished to the customer's specs |
Restored Step-back Cupboard |
Cherry Entertainment Center with Maple String and Barber Pole Inlay |
Reproduction Shaker Cupboard |
Home Office with Burled Walnut Paneling |
Sapele Desk |
Poplar Kitchen with Walnut Countertops and Cupboard |
Poplar Mantle |
Butternut Gothic Mantle; dye-stained and finished with amber shellac |
Wormy Applewood Stool |
Windsor Swivel Stools |
Mahogany Sheraton Table |
Mahogany Sheraton 2-Drawer Stands |
Trestle Table with Breadboard Ends |
White Oak Table and Windsor Chairs with Carved Butterflys |
And then of course, there are the off-the-wall requests that just bring a smile to your face. A friend of ours has a son who was very perturbed to find that his construction set did not include a porta-potty. How the manufacturer could have overlooked this key item, I don't know, but Gorg came to the rescue. The boy and his crew are very pleased with the result.
Life is never boring! Here's to a new spring and a fresh start!
Y'all are awesome and we love you both so much. We are so proud of you for taking this plunge and in a sense setting yourselves free. Even if you do get commissioned to make a miniature port-a-potty from time to time.
ReplyDeleteThanks! We couldn't do it without people like you behind us! And let's face it...what is life without a little comic relief? I hear the 'construction crew' is giving rave reviews ;) So if you are ever in the market...
DeleteI'm a friend of Pam Jenkins and saw this on facebook. Absolutely beautiful furniture. May God bless your new journey with many years of success.
ReplyDeleteIn Christ,
Thank you so much, Shirley! I pray that He does; and you as well!
So excited to see how this leap of faith turns out! God is good to provide for those who trust in Him! Love y'all!